Over a decade after its inception The Top Gun Pitching Program continues to prepare and improve the performance, velocity, arm health, mental fortitude, baseball IQ and accountability of our pitchers.
The Top Gun Pitching Program is a data and science driven, membership based program designed to offer all necessary pitching related training to all Teels Pitchers. Top Gun Creator, Tom Atlee, is active in research on performance enhancement, velocity building and injury prevention with several Major League Baseball medical personnel and coaches. This research is behind all training programs used by the highest level pitchers in the game, and is used in the design, structure and execution of The Top Gun Program that is being offered to you.
Through your membership in the Top Gun Program you will receive assessments of both your pitching and your physical strengths and limitations during the course of the program. These assessments will be used by our staff to design your individualized program as well as to make adjustments during the course of your membership. Your program will follow proper periodization methods; placing health as the top priority and the catalyst for sustainable improvements in velocity and performance.
Top Gun Pitching – Focal Points
Arm Care
Performance Enhancement
Pitching Efficiency
TEELS Performance Training Center – Focal Points
Strength Age/skill appropriate routines to develop more power through gains in muscle mass
Flexibility Improved joint integrity allowing the joints to move more efficiently
Mobility Improving the overall movement of your body to facilitate improved power and athleticism
Nutrition Guidance on proper meal planning to fuel your gains and optimize performance
MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS: Each Member Will Receive A T-Shirt
Rookie | 1 Month Package = 4 Pitching Sessions + 4 Gym Sessions (1 Ea Per Week) | $700 |
Single A | 3 Month Package = 12 Pitching Sessions + 12 Gym Sessions (1 Ea Per Week) | $1700 |
Double A | 25 Pitching Sessions + 25 Gym Sessions (2 Ea Per Week) | $2500 |
Triple A | 38 Pitching Sessions + Unlimited Gym Sessions (3 Pitching Sessions Per Week) | $3400 |
MLB | 1-1 Programming w Tom Atlee. | Please Email Tom Directly For More Information. |
SCHEDULING: Each member can come to any open time slot below. After signing up, you will receive an email from Thomas Atlee with instructions and a link for Google Docs. All scheduling will be done through Google Docs. Additional time slots maybe added. Starts in November.
*For Pricing and scheduling call : 201-670-4047